Breathing is a necessity of life that most people take for granted, and it's much more affected by stress than many are aware. Poor breathing habits can evolve from stress and create discontent in ‘our bodies and minds. Here at the Center for Positive Change, our Biofeedback Breathwork services offer individualized breath-training sessions that teach tools for self regulating physical, mental, & emotional reactions to stress. At the core of self-regulation is leaming to activate the self-calming parasympathetic division (opposite to fight flight) of the autonomic nervous system using diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing, which provides optimal oxygen saturation of the body. has many other positive effects on the body:
Stress resistance is developed
Concentration, memory, and mental activity improve.
Increases lung capacity
Increases oxygen levels in the body
Myocardial blood supply improves
The function of the abdominal organs improves the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gall
bladder. bile ducts, and kidneysHormonal balance and metabolism normalized
It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and assisting in
handling anxiety, panic attacks, problems falling asleep, muscle tension, high blood
pressure, and headaches

We use biofeedback computerized technology to support this work. It gives the patient a real-time “physiological mirror” of their progress during the training sessions. Biofeedback is a complementary and altemative treatment called mind-body therapy. It is a training technique in which people are taught to improve their health and performance by using signals from their own bodies. Precise instruments "feed back" measured physiological activity such as heart rate, respiration, and skin temperature. The presentation of this information, paired with changes in thinking, emotions, and behavior, often supports desired physiological changes,
Biofeedback treatment techniques are backed by over 17,000 scientific articles published in reputable medical and psychology journals. For more information, see journals such as Biofeedback and Self- Regulation, Psychophysiology, Psychosomatic Medicine, or the Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

We believe the results from our clients speak the loudest
- "Learning the techniques of biofeedback with Heather Berry at the Center for Positive Change has taught me how to use the tools to take back control, both emotionally and physically, of my life. I am a 70-year-old woman who has suffered from pain and debilitating episodes of Atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeats). When they first started 28 years ago. I would have one episode a month, and as time continued, they became more frequent until seven months before I started biofeedback: they were constantly happening.Sometimes the pain was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack. I had no energy of stamina, was lightheaded, and couldn't do what normal people do daily. I had ‘been told by the cardiologist to ‘just live with it.” How do you “just live’ with something that controls your life in such a way?
‘With the consent of my doctor, I began working with Heather, which has been a wonderful and exciting experience. She is knowledgeable and listens to what you need to help you achieve your goals with a very positive attitude. She encourages me at every step and makes the learning experience something to look forward to each week. Now with the breathing techniques I've leaned, "I can live with it.” and I can control it. I am able to lessen the frequency.Pain, and duration of the episodes, and biofeedback has given me the peace of mind to know I now have the tools to take back control of my life. In acute situations, I can also lower my blood pressure with the relaxation techniques she taught me. Biofeedback has given my husband & me our dream of traveling by our boat up to Alaska. Now we don't have to worry about being near a hospital anymore because of my health.
Thanks, Heather, for all your help!" -Beth F.

Many thanks to you!” -BC