Transition Coaching

Center for Positive Change, LLC.

Life is filled with continuous transitions. From the thrill of starting new chapters to the challenges of unexpected changes, these transitions require us to be resilient and adaptable. Whether you're moving from a career into retirement, managing sudden wealth, evolving roles within a family business, or celebrating milestones such as marriage or parenthood, our coaching helps you to master these shifts.

Center for Positive Change, LLC.

Transition Coaching: Mastering Life's Shifts

Transition Coaching: Mastering Life's Shifts

Life Coaching is a professional relationship that helps people produce positive results in their personal lives, careers, and relationships. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen self-learning, improve performance, and enhance quality of life. Many people who begin life coaching want to be or are in a transition period. Seemingly “good” transitions can sometimes be as dizzying as those we perceive as “negative”.

Key Transitions We Facilitate

Seamlessly transiton from an active work life to a fulfilling retirement. The next chapter of your life can be just as fulfilling, or more so, than your prior career.

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Center for Positive Change, LLC.

Sudden Wealth

Understand the impact that sudden wealth can have on your emotions and relationships. There are countless stories of people who become derailed by their emotions and end up losing most of their money in a few years. This work is for those who want to navigate their new financial responsiblities and social dynamics wisely.

Navigate role changes and expectations seamlessly within your family business dynamics. Create "shooting stars" rather than "minefields."

Engage with our community at to maintain your vitality and zest throughout your aging journey.

Adapt to new professional environments, advance, or transition to new roles. Promotions and demotions are both slippery to negotiate psychologically.

Manage life's significant personal events, such as divorce, parenthood, a crisis of faith, or marriage, confidently.

Coaching vs. Psychotherapy

Coaching vs. Psychotherapy

Transition coaching is ideal for those seeking growth without a mental illness diagnosis. It focuses on personal and professional development. Psychotherapy, however, deals with cognitive, emotional, or behavorial issues and requires a diagnosis. Unlike psychotherapy, coaching is generally not covered by health insurance.

Our Transition Coaching Services

 Our Transition Coaching Services
  • Professional Assessment: Gain insights into your current situation.
  • Resource Kit: Choose a book - Transitions: Making the Most of Change by William Bridges, or From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks.
  • Transition Plan: Receive a personalized roadmap for your journey's planning.
  • Cost: $400
  • Includes: All benefits of DIY+, foundational assessment, and essential resources.
  • Goal Definition: Identify and refine your aspirations and values.
  • Clarity of Purpose: Gain a clear understanding of your objectives through targeted questioning.
  • Actionable Planning: Together, we create a detailed, step-by-step action plan to achieve your goals. This plan includes Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) objectives to ensure clear progress and accountability.
  • Regular Monitoring: Set benchmarks and review progress in regular sessions.
  • Ongoing Support: Receive continuous guidance and encouragement.
  • Adaptive Strategy: Adjust coaching strategies as your goals evolve.
  • Cost: $6,000
  • Objective-Based Agreement: Focus on key personal or professional outcomes.
  • Rigorous Selection: Ensure a perfect match for those ready to invest deeply in their growth.
  • Fly-Fishing Integration: For select individuals, it is highly recommended that we integrate guided fly-fishing trips into your Transition process. We use fly-fishing as a real-time training metaphor to enhance your transiton experience (see more).

How We Do It

How We Do It

Transition coaching offers more than just guidance; it's a partnership in navigating life's shifts. Whether you're looking for a basic introduction or a deep, transformative experience, our three coaching tiers are designed to meet your unique needs and ensure you thrive through change.